

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 8:30AM - 12:30PM

Children’s Ministry

Proverbs 22:6 says “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

Our Mission:

  • To provide a safe place for all of our children: emotionally, physically, and spiritually.
  • To teach them the love of Christ and the joy of His forgiveness and salvation. To help them learn the truth of His Word and how to study His Word for themselves.
  • To encourage their growth within the body of Believers.

Our Vision for Children:

  • That they will know Christ.
  • That they will understand His Word.
  • That they will grow in their own spiritual walk and experience the joy and blessings that comes with obedience to Him.
  • That they will be able to share the love of Christ with others.

Children’s ministry is essential to the growth of any church. Without children, there is not a future for the ministry. Our children’s ministry is active and growing. We have many opportunities for children to learn and grow as part of our fellowship:

Nursery – Nursery is available for newborns to age 3. All nursery and children’s workers are required to complete a Sexual Abuse Awareness Training Class. In addition, background checks are completed for every individual prior to being able to help with the children here at Dunbar First Baptist Church. Our nursery provides safe, clean, nurturing environment for them to play, sing, and grow in the Lord.

Sunday School – Sunday School class is offered for every grade level beginning at age 4.

Junior Church – Jr. Church is provided during the Sunday morning service for children aade. On Sunday evenings, children join their family for evening praise and worship.

Cub Scouting – Our cub scouts gather on Mondays during the school year.

Vacation Bible School – Every year our church works together to conduct an exciting and fun Vacation Bible School that is offered in the summer months.

Toys for Tots – The children along with our church family help in the annual Toys for Tots Toy Drive.

Christmas Program – The children begin in late September practicing and rehearsing for their Children’s Christmas Program that is performed in December. The performance is followed by a church fellowship and a “surprise” visit from Santa.

Fall and Spring Program – Every Spring and Fall a program is conducted to challenge the children in Bible reading, Bible memory, prayer, and inviting guests to church. The winners are always presented certificates in front of the congregation for their hard work in addition to winning prizes such as trips to Chuck E Cheese.

Joyful Hearts Children’s Choir – Joyful Hearts is for children ages 4 years – 5th grade. They rehearse on Wednesday evening as part of Wednesday Evening Children’s Program and sing the last Sunday morning of every month.